Race and Privilege Parent Alliance (RAPPA)RAPPA is an inclusive collection of parents, from independent, parochial and public schools, interested in pursuing a greater understanding of anti-bias awareness, cultural competency and social justice. Everyone is welcome.
Founded upon the principles set forth by The People's Institute for Survival & Beyond, RAPPA strives to build an effective movement for social transformation. PISAB helps individuals and communities move beyond the symptoms of racism to undoing the causes so as to create a more just and equitable society. "Undoing Racism = Organizing for Equity and Justice for All". RAPPA meets the first Thursday of every month, from October to April. Everyone is welcome. Bring a friend and a snack. This group will address and think about:
2020 - 2021 CALENDAR:
Thurs. Oct 15 - virtual Zoom meeting Thurs. November 12 - virtual Zoom meeting Thurs. December 10.- virtual Zoom meeting Thurs. January 21, 2021 - virtual Zoom meeting |
LocationsGrace Church School - High School Division
46 Cooper Square New York. NY 10003 Bank Street School for Children - 610 West 112 St. RAPPA meets on Thursdays each month, from 6 to 8pm. All adults are welcome and events are free. |